What Are We All About?

Build custom, specialized agents with memory, knowledge, tooling and on-chain capabilities. Creating powerful agents the easy way. Everyone should have the ability to create and use agents.

No-code Agent Builder

Create custom agents in minutes

Agent Marketplace

P2P marketplace to discover custom agents

Agent Swarm Infra

Multiple agents working together as a team

Plugin Ecosystem

Marketplace of add-on agent functionality

Key Integrations

  • Jupiter: Swaps, quotes and core DeFi functionality

  • DexScreener: Fetch on-chain data across multiple chains

  • Pump Fun: Launching pump.fun tokens

  • Dialect: Create Blinks with on-chain actions

  • Rugcheck: Get recently launched tokens, trending tokens and generate token reports

  • 1inch: Fetch the balances of a wallet address

  • Opensea: Fetch NFT collection stats and recent sales

  • Moralis: Fetch on-chain data across multiple chains

  • Twitter: Give agents access to search Twitter and make posts

  • Telegram: Give agents access to use Telegram

  • Coingecko: Fetch token data and trending tokens

More are being added daily by our core team and community.